The Social Protection Service (hereafter referred to as SPS) within the Department of Social and Medical Assistance, a public service organized under the Local Council of Cluj-Napoca, has MISSION to ensure the development of services and social actions designed to satisfy basic needs of the citizens of Cluj-Napoca. According to the Regulation on the organization and operation of the Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance, the Social Protection service is entrusted with tasks regarding the development of services and social actions to ensure the application of the legislation in the field of social assistance for the citizens of Cluj-Napoca, the improvement of the conditions of life of persons, families, groups in a state of social risk and support for their social integration/reintegration, facilitating access to services, food, shelter, identifying and activating community resources in order to solve the problems of disadvantaged persons, families, groups.
Through its activity, SPS implements at the institutional level the legislation granting the following benefits and social services:
- The minimum inclusion income made up of the inclusion aid and family aid components;
- Meal at the social aid canteen;
- Allowances and allowances for child rearing;
- Social vouchers for kindergarten;
- Emergency aid;
- Home heating assistance;
- Enrollment in the multi-year program "Promoting oral health by increasing the accessibility of the disadvantaged population to dental services";
- Non-reimbursable funding for NGOs;
- Social inclusion of socially marginalized people – Center for social inclusion;
- Granting social vouchers through the Food Social Program;
- Double certification of household expenses;
- Help paying the rent.
Social protection service
Dental program information 2021-2024
Dental program enrollment application
/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Cerere-inscriere-in-programul stomatologic.pdf
GDPR statement
Application form for granting social vouchers
Application form for granting minimum income inclusion
Request for help paying the rent
Canteen request with 30% and free canteen
Canteen request
Request to complete the benefits file
Necessary documents for granting benefits
Request for emergency death assistance
Type form – Home heating
Standard request for high school money survey
Request for subsidy under Law no. 34/1998
Technical sheet on the social assistance unit
Allowances and child rearing allowances
Important notes, generally valid for all types of rights/benefits that are registered at the Social and Medical Assistance Directorate (DASM) within the City Hall
Cluj-Napoca municipality
- For each request (benefit/rights), a file with the necessary documents is drawn up and registered at the DASM office in str. Venus, 20-22. The applicant must be a citizen with domicile or residence in the municipality of Cluj-Napoca
- Each type of file must contain an opis form
- The state allowance file can be registered separately, before submitting the child support allowance file or together with it, opting for the same application, both for the child allowance and for the direct insertion allowance/incentive
- If the father requests the rights (unmarried parents), it is necessary to draw up a social survey. This is done by the Guardianship Authority service (Str. Venus, 20-22, DASM)
- For the files where the state allowance is requested for the child born abroad or if the applicants are married to foreign citizens, the annex with additional EU information will be completed and the residence documents of both parents (from the country where the child was born) will be attached.
- For people who in the last 24 months before the birth had several jobs, an income certificate (type) and proof of termination/suspension of the activity for each employment contract is attached to the file.
- For people who have additional income, made on the basis of a collaboration contract/providing services, copyrights, etc. the following documents must be added: the contract, the certificate of realized/monthly net income and proof of suspension/termination of the contract. other mandatory documents, as the case may be:
- the death certificate of one of the child's parents (if applicable)
– divorce sentence (if applicable)
– housekeeper (if applicable)
- sentences of custody of the minor, or sentences of adoption or custody with a view to adoption
– school certificates, from the faculty, or doctorate (if applicable)
– notarial declarations (if applicable)
State allowance - 1 year from the date of birth of the child.
Child raising allowance (child raising leave)/direct insertion incentive
– With a maximum of 30 calendar days before the expiration of the postnatal leave, but no more than 60 working days from the last day of the postnatal leave;
– 60 calendar days from birth if there is no maternity leave (pre- and postnatal);
– 30 calendar days in the event that the change is made from the allowance for raising the child to the incentive (and vice versa) or the change is made from one parent to the other;
- starting 60 days before the 2nd birthday of a child and until the 2nd birthday of the same child, in the case of switching from a child-rearing leave to the following child-rearing leave ;
Leave/allowance for the other parent
- starting 30 days before the date on which the leave is requested and up to 15 days from the date on which the leave is requested.
! The period of at least 2 months of leave for raising the child related to the other parent is carried out in the case of persons entitled to leave starting from the date of entry into force of GD no. 865/2023, dated 19.09.2023. In the case of persons entitled to rights established until 19.09.2023, the period of parental leave for the other parent is at least
a month.
Child raising leave supplement
– 60 working days from the birth of a second child, while the parent is on leave with another child under 2/3 years of age for a disabled child, for child-rearing leave supplement;
Stimulant insertion
– 30 working days from the date of resuming the activity following the child-rearing leave (the insertion incentive is not conditional on starting the activity a certain period before the child's 2nd birthday);
Child benefits with a disability certificate
- 30 days before reaching the age of 2/3 years or within 30 days from the issuance of the certificate of inclusion in a degree of disability, for extension of leave/indemnity for raising a disabled child
up to 3 years;
– starting 30 days before until they reach the age of 3, for leave/increment allowance/insertion incentive for a disabled child from 3 to 7 years old;
– 30 days from obtaining the certificate of inclusion in a degree of disability, for child growth allowance/insertion incentive, for children between 4 and 7 years old.
– 60 days from obtaining the certificate of inclusion in a degree of disability for requesting the increased state allowance for children between 2-18 years.
The allowance until the child is 2 years old is in the amount between 85% of the average income of the last 12 months worked before the child's birth, up to a maximum of 8500 lei;
People who resume their activity before the child is 6 months old, have the right to an insertion incentive in the amount of 1500 lei/month until the child is 2 years old or up to 3 years in the case of a child with a degree of disability. For people who resume their activity after the child is 6 months old, the amount of the insertion incentive is 650 lei/month up to 3 years/up to 4 years for the child with a degree of disability.
The father who benefits from child-rearing leave for at least one month, upon returning to work when the child turns 2 years old, can apply for an insertion incentive.
For children with a disability certificate, aged between 3 and 7 years, the parent who has benefited from child-rearing leave for up to 2/3 years in the case of the disabled child and has resumed activity can request the insertion incentive on the period of validity of the disability classification certificate, for children between 4 and 7 years old. For the parent who is on extended parental leave between 2 and 3 years and who resumes his activity before the expiration of the classification certificate in a degree of disability, he can benefit from the insertion incentive between 3 and 4 years.
For people who are on parental leave for up to 2 years/respectively 3 years for a disabled child and who have another child, they benefit from an additional amount for the period from the birth of the last child until the end of the leave. In this case, a file is registered after the birth, within 60 working days from the birth of the child.
In the situation where the child who turns 2 years old has a certificate of inclusion in a degree of disability, leave for raising the child can be extended for the period of validity of the certificate of inclusion in a degree of disability (request for extension to 2 years, before reaching the age of 2 years of the child). If the parent who is on leave until the disabled child turns 3 has another younger child growing up, he must draw up two files every 2 years: a) file extending leave with the first child and b) file supplement for the younger child.
For the child with a disability certificate, between the ages of 3 and 7, the parent can choose between: a) sick child care leave/indemnity with minimum allowance or b) insertion incentive
If the parent opts for parental leave from 3 to 7 years, has another younger child, he can make 2 requests before the disabled child turns 3 years old: a) leave/allowance 3-7 years for the child with a certificate and b) child allowance 0-2 years for the younger child
The person with serious or pronounced disability, who has a child to support and who does not meet the conditions provided by law for granting leave for raising the child, benefits from monthly support in the amount of 45% from the minimum amount of the allowance.
Starting from 19.09.2023, the amount of the allowance for child rearing is increased in the case of twin, triplet or multiplet births, as well as in the case of the overlap of two or more situations that generate the right to parental leave, to 50% of the initial allowance .
• When submitting the files, it is mandatory for the applicant or the spouse to be present. Otherwise, the person registering the file must have a notarial power of attorney from
the share of both parents.
• According to the legislation in force, requests can only be registered accompanied by all supporting documents.
• At the time of submitting the documents, the standard applications/declarations must contain the individual signatures of both parents
• The payment of allowances, allowances and incentives as well as the settlement of requests is carried out by the County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection
• The Social Protection Service within the Department of Social and Medical Assistance Cluj has attributions of verification, reception, registration and periodic transmission for resolution to the Agency
of requests from beneficiaries domiciled within the Cluj-Napoca municipality.
• The address of the County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection Cluj is str. G. Coșbuc, no. 2.
• Considering the fact that there are many particular situations, in order to prepare the files correctly, please come to the office of the Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance
The schedule for working with the public is as follows:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 08.30-15:30
Thursday: 08.30-17:00
Friday: 08:30-14:00
To remember:
1. You can also contact us by phone at the following number: 0264 413 058
2. For state allowance files for the child born in a European country - the file is only registered physically at our counter in str. Venus, FN
3. Files can be registered at DASM, str. Venus, FN, counter 1 or sent to the online portal, in electronic format - scanned, merged PDF. https://portal.dasmclujnapoca.ro/
4. You must aim to receive a registration number for the file submitted on the online portal. Files received by email are not registered when the email is received, they are checked and then receive a registration number. (If you do not receive a file registration number within 10 working days at most, please contact us by phone)
Recommended! For the people who submit the file on the online portal, it is recommended to send the file at least one week before the deadline for filing the file.
Useful information regarding the preparation of files
The list of documents required for the insertion incentive allowance allocation files
1. State allowance form + List of necessary documents (5 documents)
Allowance application
EU Annex (only for children born in the EU)
Declaration of the other parent (only for unmarried parents)
The list of documents required for the insertion incentive allowance allocation files
2. Child raising allowance form + List of necessary documents (5 documents)
Type request
Type certificate
Declaration of the other parent (for unmarried parents only)
The list of documents required for the insertion incentive allowance allocation files
3. Insertion incentive + List of required documents (4 documents)
Type request
Contribution period statement
The list of documents required for the insertion incentive allowance allocation files
4. Formulation of allowance for raising a disabled child + List of necessary documents (4 docs.)
Type request
Contribution period statement
The list of documents required for the insertion incentive allowance allocation files
Heating aid 2023-2024
Simplified request for change
General program submission information
Types of aids
Eligibility criteria
List of goods
Necessary documents
Beneficiaries' obligations
Ceilings and Amounts
Additional Information
Services offered
Social protection service
Social protection service (compartment code 801) is subordinate to the executive director of DASM and operates with the staff provided for in the state of functions and organization chart, approved by decision of the local council of Cluj-Napoca.
Scope: the implementation of public policies aimed at satisfying the basic needs of the human being, identifying and activating community resources in order to improve the quality of life of individuals, families and disadvantaged groups.
- improving the standard of living of families and people who do not have the ability to secure their own resources;
- protecting people who, due to reasons of an economic, physical, mental or social nature, do not have the opportunity to provide for their needs and develop their own capacities and competences;
- improving the living conditions of individuals, families, groups at social risk and support for their social integration/reintegration;
- ensuring access to services (health, professional integration) for individuals and families who are entitled to social benefits;
- ensuring access to social benefits provided by the legislation in force, for the citizens of Cluj-Napoca;
- supporting and developing social services/programs for the community, supporting and subsidizing Romanian organizations and foundations that develop social programs for the citizens of Cluj-Napoca, according to the development strategy of Cluj-Napoca and central and local public policies.
- the implementation of the provisions of the legislation in force and the other specific normative acts that ensure access to social benefits;
- drafting normative acts and other regulations specific to the public authority or institution, as well as ensuring their approval;
- participates in the development of draft policies and strategies, programs, studies, analyzes and statistics necessary for the realization and implementation of public policies, as well as the documentation necessary for the implementation of the provisions of the legislation in force, in order to ensure the competence of the public authority or institution;
- evaluation of the socio-economic situation of the persons, families who address SPS, identification of their needs and resources;
- the identification of risk situations and the establishment of prevention and reinsertion measures of people in the natural family environment and in the community;
- ensuring the granting of the following social benefits under the conditions of the legislation in force:
- The minimum income for inclusion made up of the components of inclusion aid and aid for families with children;
- free meal and/or paid meal at the Social Aid Canteen;
- help for heating the house;
- emergency aid;
- educational incentive - kindergarten vouchers;
- subsidies for NGOs and monitoring their use;
- state allowance for children;
- allowance for raising the child;
- other types of social benefits, depending on the normative acts in force.
- evaluation and monitoring of the application of the social assistance measures that the person/family benefits from, as well as the respect of their rights;
- ensuring, through tools and activities specific to social assistance, the prevention and combating of situations involving increased risk of marginalization and social exclusion;
- ensuring the relationship with the Public Services and/or other institutions with responsibilities in the field of social protection;
- collaboration with non-governmental organizations and representatives of civil society, in order to ensure the provision and diversification of social services, depending on the identified needs, for single people and socially marginalized families or those in risk situations;
- providing advice, methodological guidance and support to non-governmental organizations providing social services;
- collaboration with the decentralized public services of the ministries in order to develop social assistance programs of local interest
- advising, informing the citizens of the municipality about the rights arising from the specific social protection legislation;
- making records of the beneficiaries of social protection measures;
- registration and settlement within the legal term of requests for social benefits provided in point 6;
- the organization and record of actions and works of local interest carried out by the beneficiaries of guaranteed minimum income and free meals at the social aid canteen, available to the mayor;
- material support (bags, supplies for children from families receiving minimum guaranteed income, family support allowance, free canteen, etc.);
- assessment of families with no income/low income, for their inclusion in the POAD program;
- drawing up lists of families and single persons from the service records, for their inclusion in the POAD program;
- monitoring of the beneficiary families in terms of the fulfillment of legal obligations;
- the settlement of requests for obtaining the Certificate for proving the situation of double household expenses (for EU citizens, especially from Germany who support their relatives in Romania) and for obtaining the Certificate for the seasonal workforce (for Romanian citizens who go to work in the EU);
- registering requests from schools and conducting social surveys in order to grant financial support within the national program "High school money";
- monitoring of the beneficiary families in terms of the fulfillment of legal obligations;
- providing methodological consultancy for Romanian associations and foundations with legal personality, which establish and administer social assistance units, as well as for other natural and legal persons (associations, foundations, etc...) in order to facilitate their access to financing from the local budget, according to the law ;
- ensuring the secretariat of the Commission for the application of Law no. 34 of 1998 regarding the granting of subsidies to Romanian associations and foundations with legal personality, which establish and administer social assistance units;
- participation in the works of the Commission for the application of Law no. 350 of 2005 regarding the regime of non-refundable financing from public funds allocated for non-profit activities of general interest, updated, for services of local interest with a social and/or medical character;
- monitoring the specialized social services provided, in compliance with the mandatory quality standards, approved according to the legislation in force, the projects, programs and funded actions, through visits to the headquarters of the funded institutions, to the residence of the beneficiaries, participating in the events that are an intergrant part of the program established by the entities that have received grant/non-refundable funding from the local budget;
- ensuring students' practice, for aspects related to social protection, social benefits, social marginalization, social inclusion;
- ensures the archiving of distributed documents and documents made within the service, according to the normative acts in force;
- supports the organization of social events (e.g. Social Assistance Days, meetings with non-governmental organizations financed from the local budget, meetings with employers, Social Economy Days, International Day of Substance Abuse Prevention, etc.);
- facilitates the missions of the authorities with verification and control attributions, making available to them, in accordance with the law, the documents created and kept within the service/archive;
- fulfills any other duties provided by law or entrusted by the executive director of DASM, under the law.
Center for social inclusion
- Center for social inclusion (compartment code 801.1) is a day social service, without legal personality, subordinated Social protection service from the DASM structure.
- headquarters Center for social inclusion is in Cluj-Napoca, Plevnei str., no. 158.
- The executive director of DASM, through the head of service, ensures the leadership, guidance and control of the staff who provide services in the Social Inclusion Center.
- The organizational structure, the number of staff, as well as the budget of the inclusion center, are approved by the decision of the local council, in compliance with the legal conditions, so that its operation ensures the fulfillment of its duties.
- The goal Center for social inclusion: promoting employment opportunities, professional training and facilitating the employment of Roma people, people with disabilities, as well as other categories of people at risk of marginalization and social exclusion.
- objectives Center for social inclusion are:
- increasing the degree of employment of socially marginalized persons or families or who are subject to the risk of marginalization and social exclusion.
- preventing and reducing the phenomenon of social exclusion of socially marginalized persons or families or who are subject to the risk of marginalization and social exclusion.
- improving the living and working conditions of socially marginalized persons or families or who are subject to the risk of marginalization and social exclusion.
- offering solutions to solve the professional problems of socially marginalized individuals or families or who are subject to the risk of marginalization and social exclusion.
- awareness of the importance of professional training by socially marginalized individuals or families or who are subject to the risk of marginalization and social exclusion.
- increasing the degree of interest of socially marginalized individuals or families or who are subject to the risk of marginalization and social exclusion, to find a job;
- guiding socially marginalized people or who are subject to the risk of marginalization and social exclusion in choosing a profession;
- offering professional training alternatives for socially marginalized people or who are subject to the risk of marginalization and social exclusion;
- supporting socially marginalized people or who are at risk of marginalization and social exclusion interested in professional planning and success;
- ensuring the access of socially marginalized people or who are subject to the risk of marginalization and social exclusion to information on the occupations, trades and professions sought on the labor market, as well as to information on the possibility of participating in professional qualification/retraining courses and the certification of skills acquired non-formally ;
- ensuring the access of socially marginalized people or who are subject to the risk of marginalization and social exclusion to:
- professional advice;
- mediation in order to find a job;
- vocational training services;
- certification services of skills acquired through non-formal means;
- creating partnerships and collaboration agreements with professional associations, employers, trade unions and entrepreneurs/employers.
- Beneficiaries of the center are socially marginalized persons or at risk of marginalization and social exclusion, from the municipality of Cluj-Napoca, found in the DASM records.
- The services offered beneficiaries within Center for social inclusion they are information, counseling, labor mediation on the internal market and post-employment monitoring, support in starting lucrative and social economy projects. At the same time, professional training services will be provided or access to professional training services will be facilitated.
Regulation on the organization and operation of the day social service, Social Inclusion Center, is approved by decision of the local Council of Cluj-Napoca, according to the legal provisions in force.
Law 34-1998
- LAW no. 34/1998regarding the granting of subsidies to Romanian associations and foundations with legal personality, which establish and administer social assistance units
- DECISION no. 1.153/2001for the approval of the methodological norms for the application of the provisions of Law no. 34/1998 regarding the granting of subsidies to Romanian associations and foundations with legal personality, which establish and administer social assistance units
- HCL no. 788/2022 regarding the approval of the categories of social services for which subsidies are granted, the average monthly level of the subsidy, as well as the categories of current operating expenses of social assistance units for which subsidies are granted from the local budget of Cluj-Napoca, through the Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance.
- DECISION no. 867/2015for the approval of the Nomenclature of social services, as well as the framework regulations for the organization and operation of social services
- DECISION no. 426 of May 27, 2020regarding the approval of cost standards for social services
Catalog of Cluj-Napoca NGOs
List of licensed NGOs
List of licensed NGOs operating within the Cluj-Napoca municipality
Help paying the rent
INFORMATION - rent payment help