Vocational training in illicit drug addiction: Equipping health care practitioners with addiction treatment competencies and techniques (CARE4SUD)
Project ID: 2022-1-LT01-KA220-VET-000086077
The project is funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union (KA 220 VET – Cooperation partnerships in the field of vocational education and training).
Coordinator: Klaipėdos Ernesto Galvanausko Profesinio Mokymo Centras (Lithuania)
- Institut Za Raziskave In Razvoj Utrip Zavod (Slovenia)
- Ostjylland (Denmark)
- University of Porto (Portugal)
- Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
- Institute of Social Solidarity and Wellbeing: Social Mind (Greece)
Overall objective of the project is to ensure higher professionalism in the work of healthcare practitioners - more specifically in the field of illicit drug addiction - at national and European level.
The project anticipates the achievement of the following specific objectives:
- Contributing to improving the skills and abilities of professionals in screening, counseling, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for illicit drug addiction and providing a response to the current, emerging, and growing needs of the professional training field facing a shortage of specialists in the field of drug addiction.
- Providing opportunities for continuous professional development in the health sector and creating conditions for increasing the capacity and employability of health professionals.
- Facilitate cooperation between educational and healthcare institutions to formulate key recommendations on the evolution of the addictions skill set and related employment opportunities.
Project target group is composed of: healthcare practitioners (without experience in the field of illicit drug addiction); doctors (who wish to improve their knowledge and skills in the field of drug addiction, with a view to employment in this field or professional development); professionals in the field of drug addiction (social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists); VET (Vocational Education and Training) trainers; experts in the field of substance use disorders (SUD); VET (Vocational Education and Training) providers, social work professionals, as well as decision-makers.
Expected results:
- will increase the quality and relevance of the activities of the six partner organizations in the field of addiction, will develop and strengthen their networks, will increase their capacity to operate jointly at a transnational level, stimulating the internationalization of their activities;
- will strengthen the capacities of six EU organisations in developing state-of-the-art online training programmes, based on European qualifications frameworks, and will support the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices in the field of illicit drug abuse;
- improve the quality and relevance of professional education in the field of substance use in six EU countries and beyond, by developing an open and fully transferable course for addiction counsellors and training healthcare workers in specific skills to meet the immediate needs of healthcare systems;
- will improve the way people who use drugs are perceived and strengthen service responses in the six EU countries and beyond, to address this critical social and economic health problem that drug abuse represents.
Project implementation period: 28 months (November 1, 2022 – February 28, 2025).
Total project budget: 250,000.00 euros (100% grant).
DASM budget: 34,266.00 euros.
"The content of this material is the sole responsibility of the authors, and the National Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for the use that may be made of the information contained therein."
Together for the Future – complementary early education services in vulnerable communities in Cluj-Napoca
PNRR Component C15-Development of a unitary, inclusive and quality early childhood education service system. Applicant UAT Cluj-Napoca, in partnership with the Cluj County School Inspectorate, the Social and Medical Assistance Directorate and the "Mămăruța" Extended Program Kindergarten.
Overall objective of the project provides for increasing the capacity of the socio-educational system and the quality of early education services, to improve participation rates, both at the pre-school and preschool levels, by serving approximately 50 children from disadvantaged groups in the municipality of Cluj-Napoca.
Specific project objectives are:
- Establishing, equipping and operationalizing a complementary service to cover the needs identified at the local level, regarding the provision of educational services for a number of 50 children up to 6 years old, especially from disadvantaged categories, within the municipality of Cluj-Napoca.
- Facilitating access to formal and/or non-formal education programs in pre-university education, for 50 children in situations of early school leaving, aged between 3-6 years, from the municipality of Cluj-Napoca.
- Provision of information, counseling and support services for at least 50 parents/legal representatives/caregivers of the child, carried out by the complementary service provider and/or in partnership with designated persons within the partnership/professional support network.
- The total budget of the project is 1,429,118.87 lei, of which the value of the non-refundable financing from the PNRR is 1,237,321.75 lei, and the value of the VAT related to the eligible expenses is 191,797.12 lei. Eligible value from the PNRR: 287,173.49 EURO
Target group/Potential beneficiaries of the Project/actual beneficiaries of the Project:
- a number of 50 children aged 3-6, who cannot regularly attend a standard service (kindergarten), for various reasons of a cultural, educational, material or infrastructure nature and lack of places.
- minimum 50 parents/legal representatives/person in whose care the child is (grandparents, relatives, guardians, parental assistants).
Towards a CHILD-friendly legal Order for Fair Justice Provision, acronym CHILD
Project code: 101160543
The project is co-financed by the European Commission, through the Justice Programme of the European Union.
- Syndesmos Melon Gynaikeion Somateion Irakleioy Kai Nomoy Irakleioy (Greece)
- Carlos III University of Madrid (Spain)
- Verein Autonome Osterreichische Frauenhauser (Austria)
- Ghent University (Belgium)
- Una Casa Per L'uomo Societa Cooperativa Sociale (Italy),
- Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (Cyprus),
- Mtu Naiste Tugi – Ja Teabekeskus (Estonia)
- Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance (Romania)
- Umar- Uniao De Mulheres Alternativae Resposta Associacao (Portugal)
Project goal:
- facilitating a process of change at national and European level of the child protection system, which remains vigilant regarding the mental, social and physical well-being of child victims and/or witnesses of violence, by minimizing existing retraumatization procedures, dysfunctions and structural deficiencies.
Target groups The following are directly addressed by the project:
- police professionals in the field of investigating crimes committed against children;
- professionals in the criminal justice system (lawyers, judges, prosecutors);
- professionals from the social services system (psychologists, social workers, sociologists) working in child protection and domestic violence;
- relevant decision-makers, at each level of policy-making (regional/national/European).
Main results of the project can be summarized as follows:
- 9 national reports on the shortcomings of the existing framework for child protection and on the implementation of the provisions of Directive 2012/29/EU and Directive 2011/93/EU carried out at the level of the 9 partner countries and disseminated;
- a transnational report on the shortcomings of the existing framework for child protection and on the implementation of the provisions of Directive 2012/29/EU and Directive 2011/93/EU at European level developed and published;
- 9 advisory committees established at the level of the 9 partner countries, which will include professionals from the victim/child protection system, police, judicial system and will provide feedback on the project activities and materials developed throughout the project;
- a number of 135 professionals will participate in focus groups on the current situation and deficiencies of the current child protection system in the partner countries;
- a transnational focus group organized online with 24 professionals from all partner countries to identify common dysfunctions in the field in Europe;
- a guide on interviewing child victims/witnesses of violence that will include an updated, more inclusive interview protocol, taking into account the multidimensionality of child abuse, incorporating the gender and non-discrimination perspective, the child-friendly, sensitive and child-centered approach and inter-institutional collaboration;
- developing and delivering a joint programme (in the 9 participating countries) to strengthen the capacity of police professionals in the field of investigating crimes committed against children, those in the criminal justice system (lawyers, judges, prosecutors), as well as those in the social services system (psychologists, social workers, sociologists) working in child protection and domestic violence;
- At least 270 professionals from partner countries will participate in the training program, which will address issues such as: maximizing child safety, moving from evidence-based to trauma-sensitive approaches, preventing retraumatization, child participation, gender and non-discrimination perspectives, inter-institutional and multidisciplinary collaboration;
- 9 national case management sessions organized in the 9 partner countries with a minimum of 180 participants with the aim of creating "communication channels" between professionals that will continue after the completion of the project and a transnational case management session organized with a minimum of 40 participants from all partner countries;
- 9 sets of specific measures for changes at national and European level regarding the application of the provisions of Directive 2012/29/EU and Directive 2011/93/EU developed and proposed to decision-makers in each partner country;
- 18 dissemination events organized at national level, two in each partner country;
- 1 international conference organized in Brussels with the participation of EU decision-makers, at the end of the project.
Project implementation period: 24 months (26.06.2024-25.06.2026)
Total project budget is 1,099,804.94 euros, of which the total non-reimbursable funding of the project is 989,824.45 euros (90%).
DASM budget is 70,949.55 euros, of which the non-refundable funding allocated to the Social and Medical Assistance Directorate is 63,854.60 euros (90%).
“Funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed in this document are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.”
Intersectional Approach to Combating Homelessness for Women, acronym INTERACT
Project code: 101172611
The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) Programme of the European Union.
- Syndesmos Melon Gynaikeion Somateion Irakleioy Kai Nomoy Irakleioy (Greece)
- KRITI – RoC (Greece)
- Dimos Palaio Faliro – MPF (Greece)
- Haskoli Islands – University of Iceland (Iceland)
- Rotin felagasamtok – ROTIN (Iceland)
- Associazione Mondodonna Onlus – MD (Italy)
- Hochschule Fur Technik Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig (HTWK LEIPZIG) (Germany)
- Ares do Pinhal Associação de Recuperação de Toxicodependentes – ADP (Portugal)
- Social and Medical Assistance Directorate (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Affiliated partners:
- Azienda Publica di Servizi Alla Persona Citta di Bologna – ASP BOLOGNA (Italy)
- Cooperativa Sociale Società Dolce Società Cooperativa (Italy)
Overall objective of the project is to propose and promote an integrated perspective on addressing the causes of homelessness in the participating countries by applying a structured set of actions that address the multiple vulnerabilities of homeless women or those living in precarious conditions.
The INTERACT project aims to support women who are homeless or in precarious housing situations by providing them with comprehensive support services that address the complex challenges they face, including substance abuse, mental health and intimate partner violence. The project focuses on the creation and implementation of a pilot intervention model that provides for coordinated case management of homeless or precarious women who face multiple vulnerabilities such as: domestic violence, mental health issues, substance use, etc.
Target groups The following are directly addressed by the project:
- women who are homeless or living in precarious conditions and who face multiple vulnerabilities;
- social actors involved in the field of homelessness, problematic substance use, intimate partner violence and social services in general;
- decision-makers, especially in the social field.
The target group to which the project indirectly addresses is the general public.
Main results of the project can be summarized as follows:
- 6 national reports on the mapping of relevant social actors at local and national level (in the field of homelessness, problematic substance use, intimate partner violence, mental health and social services in general) will be developed;
- a pilot intervention model, adapted to each partner country, to meet the needs of homeless women or those living in precarious conditions, will be developed;
- an operational protocol of the intervention model will be created at the level of each partner country;
- a number of 400 women will be enrolled in the project's target group;
- a number of 200 women from the target group will successfully complete the project activities;
- a number of 500 relevant social actors will be identified in all partner countries;
- a number of 100 professionals in the field will participate in local focus groups;
- a number of 40 professionals in the field will participate in the interview groups;
- 20 experts from each field will actively participate in the creation of the intervention model and 40 experts will provide feedback on the intervention model;
- a report on the piloting of the intervention model will be developed at the level of each partner country;
- 6 analyses on the training needs of the social actors in the field involved (focus groups, interviews, transnational peer-review sessions) will be developed;
- a joint program (in the 6 participating countries) to strengthen the capacity of professionals in the fields addressed by the project will be developed, together with the other partners;
- a number of 300 professionals from the project's fields of interest, from partner countries, will be trained in 60 professional training sessions;
- evaluation reports on the quality of the project activities, the training program, the pilot intervention and the impact of the project will be produced at the level of each partner country;
- the project's visual identity, advertising materials, social media pages, newsletters will be created;
- a communication plan, an advocacy report and a dissemination report will be produced;
- 6 sets of policy recommendations will be developed and transmitted to 60 decision-makers at the partner country level;
- a number of 60 advocacy activities will be organized;
- communication and dissemination events of the pilot intervention model will be organized at local, national and European levels and will target approximately 20,000 people;
- 1 international hybrid event will be organized in Cluj-Napoca, with a minimum of 100 participants at the end of the project.
Project implementation period: 36 months (01.10.2024-30.09.2027)
Total project budget is 4,330,843.19 euros, of which the total non-reimbursable financing of the project is 3,897,758.87 euros (90%).
DASM budget is 329,213.32 euros, of which the non-refundable funding allocated to the Social and Medical Assistance Directorate is 296,291.99 euros (90%).
“Funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed in this press release are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.”
“Funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed in this document are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.”