Completed projects

Day center "Wonderland

The "Wonderland" day center was rehabilitated, through the "Wonderland Multifunctional Integrated Social Services Center" project, contracted by the Cluj-Napoca municipality, as a beneficiary, to attract non-refundable funds through the Regional Operational Program 2007-2013, Axa priority 1 "Supporting the sustainable development of cities - urban poles of growth", Major Area of intervention 1.1 "Plans […]

Reconstruction of women's status: from discrimination to training/professional development and equal opportunities

"Reconstruction of the status of women: from discrimination to professional training/development and equal opportunities" - a strategic project implemented by the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University in Iaşi (as an applicant), in partnership with the Western University of Timisoara, the University "Babeş-Bolyai" from Cluj-Napoca, the Community Assistance Directorate from Iaşi, the Community Assistance Directorate from Timisoara and the [...]

Project POSDRU/96/6.2/S/63444 - "Together for a safe start!"

Project POSDRU/96/6.2/S/63444 - "Together for a safe start!", Priority axis 6: "Promoting social inclusion", Major Intervention Area 6.2 "Improving access and participation of vulnerable groups on the labor market" - implemented in period April 2011–March 2014. The project aimed at: Development of an integrated model of social and professional inclusion of people of Roma ethnicity and people with […]

SAVE – Solutions Against Violence in Europe

     "SAVE - Solutions Against Violence in Europe", project financed by the Daphne III program, as part of the General Program "Fundamental Rights and Justice". The Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance is a partner in this project along with the Department of Social and Medical Services no. 9 Treviso (Italy), Region […]

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