
Emergency Social Center

"Emergency Social Center" - project financed under the National Interest Program "Combating the social exclusion of homeless people by creating emergency social centers", approved by order of the Minister of Labour, Family and Social Protection no. 1710/ 12.11.2009, after which the financing contract no. 1/18.11.2009 between the Ministry of Labour, Family [...]

Day center "Wonderland

The "Wonderland" day center was rehabilitated, through the "Wonderland Multifunctional Integrated Social Services Center" project, contracted by the Cluj-Napoca municipality, as a beneficiary, to attract non-refundable funds through the Regional Operational Program 2007-2013, Axa priority 1 "Supporting the sustainable development of cities - urban poles of growth", Major Area of intervention 1.1 "Plans […]

Reconstruction of women's status: from discrimination to training/professional development and equal opportunities

"Reconstruction of the status of women: from discrimination to professional training/development and equal opportunities" - a strategic project implemented by the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University in Iaşi (as an applicant), in partnership with the Western University of Timisoara, the University "Babeş-Bolyai" from Cluj-Napoca, the Community Assistance Directorate from Iaşi, the Community Assistance Directorate from Timisoara and the [...]

Project POSDRU/96/6.2/S/63444 - "Together for a safe start!"

Project POSDRU/96/6.2/S/63444 - "Together for a safe start!", Priority axis 6: "Promoting social inclusion", Major Intervention Area 6.2 "Improving access and participation of vulnerable groups on the labor market" - implemented in period April 2011–March 2014. The project aimed at: Development of an integrated model of social and professional inclusion of people of Roma ethnicity and people with […]

The mobile unit from Pata Rât

A mobile unit was placed in the Pata Rât community. Here, educational and socialization activities are carried out for the children who live in the area of the garbage dump. Containers equipped with shower cabins and toilets were installed in three of the communities (Dallas, Colina Verde and for the garbage ramp), and on Cantonului Street [...]

School after school

"School after school" - a project dedicated to preventing school dropout and improving the school performance of children who come from marginalized and socially excluded families or exposed to the risk of marginalization and social exclusion a) It started in the 2013-2014 school year, as a pilot project at the Secondary School " Traian Dârjan" for a number of 90 students.. b) In the 2014-2015 school year [...]

SAVE – Solutions Against Violence in Europe

     "SAVE - Solutions Against Violence in Europe", project financed by the Daphne III program, as part of the General Program "Fundamental Rights and Justice". The Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance is a partner in this project along with the Department of Social and Medical Services no. 9 Treviso (Italy), Region […]

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