
ANNOUNCEMENT The Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance organizes a recruitment competition under the conditions provided by art. VII paragraph. (2) from GEO no. 115/2023, with subsequent amendments and additions for the occupation of a single position, contractual position of execution, guard, vacancy at the Emergency Social Center
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THE RESULT OF THE SELECTION OF FILES registered in order to participate in the competition to fill a vacant position of local Roma expert, at the Project Management and Community Development Service, organized on 09.05.2024 – written test
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THE RESULT OF THE WRITTEN TEST of the competition for the position organized on 22.04.2024 to fill the vacant executive position of councilor, first class, higher professional degree at the Human Resources Payroll Service within the Social and Medical Assistance Directorate

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The result of the written test dated 22.04.2024 of the examination for the occupation of a vacant post of primary doctor, at the Medical Office Service within the Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance

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Grading scale for the competition of 22.04.2024 – counselor, first class, higher professional degree at the Human Resources Service Salary

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FINAL RESULT of the competition for the post organized on 04/08/2024 – the written test for filling the vacant public execution position of inspector, class I, higher professional degree at the Human Resources Payroll Service within the Social and Medical Assistance Directorate

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THE RESULT OF THE INTERVIEW test held on 15.04.2024, of the competition for the position organized to fill the vacant public execution position of inspector, class I, higher professional grade at the Human Resources Payroll Service within the Social and Medical Assistance Directorate

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THE RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION TEST OF THE CANDIDATES for the competition for the position organized on 22.04.2024 – the written test for filling the vacant executive position of counselor, first class, higher professional degree at the Human Resources Payroll Service of the Social and Medical Assistance Directorate, public service subordinated to the Local Council of Cluj-Napoca

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ANNOUNCEMENT The Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance organizes a recruitment competition under the conditions provided by art. VII paragraph. (2) from GEO no. 115/2023, with the subsequent amendments and additions for the occupation of a single position, contract execution function, as a local Roma expert, vacant at the Project Management and Community Development Service
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THE RESULT OF THE WRITTEN TEST of the post competition organized on 04/08/2024 to fill the vacant public execution position of inspector, class I, higher professional grade at the Human Resources Payroll Service within the Social and Medical Assistance Directorate

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