
The result of the selection of the files and the determination of the score resulting from the analysis and evaluation of the professional and scientific activity for the additional tie-breaking test (test D), provided in Annex No. 3 to the Ministerial Order No. 166/2023, files registered in order to participate in the employment competition for a primary doctor vacancy, organized on 22.04.2024 – written test
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The final result of the competition for the vacancy of caretaker (buildings) at the Day Center for the Elderly no. 2 of the Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance dated 28.03.2024

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THE RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION TEST OF THE CANDIDATES for the competition for the post selection stage organized on 08.04.2024 – the written test for filling the vacant public execution position of inspector, class I, higher professional grade at the Human Resources Payroll Service of the Social Assistance Directorate and Medical, public service subordinated to the Local Council of Cluj-Napoca

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The result of the written test dated 27.03.2024 of the examination for promotion to a professional grade immediately higher than that held for contractual staff, within the Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance

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The result of the interview test in the competition for the vacant position of caretaker (buildings) at the Day Center for the Elderly no. 2 of the Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance dated 26.03.2024

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The final result of the competition for the occupation of two temporarily vacant positions of dentist, at the Medical Office Service within the Social and Medical Assistance Directorate

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Rezultatul probei scrise din data de 25.03.2024 a concursului de ocupare a unui post vacant de expert local romi, la Serviciul Management de Proiecte și Dezvoltare Comunitară din cadrul Direcţiei de Asistenţă Socială şi Medicală
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Rezultatul probei practice a concursului de ocupare a două posturi temporar vacante de medic stomatolog, la Serviciul Cabinete Medicale din cadrul Direcţiei de Asistenţă Socială şi Medicală din data de 19.03.2024 – proba scrisă

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ANNOUNCEMENT The Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance organizes a recruitment competition under the conditions provided by art. VII paragraph. (3) from GEO no. 115/2023, with subsequent amendments and additions, for the filling of a vacant position, contract execution position, of primary physician, at the Medical Office Service

Descarca document Curriculum vitae Formular de înscriere  

Rezultatul probei practice la concursul de ocupare a funcției contractuale de execuție vacante de îngrijitor (clădiri) la Centrul de Zi pentru Vârstnici nr. 2 din cadrul Direcţiei de Asistenţă Socială şi Medicală din data de 21.03.2024

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