
CONFERENCE COMMUNICATION PROJECT LAUNCH "PROTECT(ie) - Prevention of Risks through specialized services offered at Timp to Students, Children and Young People, at risk of family separation in the municipality of Cluj-Napoca"

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Newsletter-ul Directiei de Asistenta Sociala si Medicala din Cluj-Napoca aferent lunilor iulie-august 2020
COMUNICAT DE PRESĂ Start la depunerea solicitărilor privind acordarea de tichete sociale pe suport electronic pentru sprijin educațional
PROTECT(ie) – Prevention of Risks through specialized services offered at Timp to Students, Children and Young People, who are at risk of family separation in the municipality of Cluj-Napoca

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ANUNȚ LANSARE PROIECT „PROTECT(ie) – Prevenirea Riscurilor prin servicii de specialitate oferite la Timp Elevilor, Copiilor și Tinerilor, aflați în risc de separare de familie în municipiul ClujNapoca” Cod SMIS 2014+: 130413

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Newsletter Iunie 2020
Comunicat informare lansare website proiect The Inclusionist

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COMMUNICATION All employees of the Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance in the position of "personal assistant" for persons classified as severely disabled with a personal assistant, have the obligation to complete the attached questionnaire and send it in electronic format to the e-mail address: summary or to submit it in person at the institution's headquarters in str. Venus fn […]

Newsletter Mai 2020
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