Latest Announcements

A N U N Ţ Direcţia de Asistenţă Socială şi Medicală (D.A.S.M.), serviciu public în subordinea Consiliului local al municipiului Cluj-Napoca organizează concurs de recrutare pe perioadă nedeterminată, pentru ocuparea a 3 (trei) posturi, funcții contractuale de execuţie, vacante la Serviciul Asistența Persoanelor cu Dizabilități

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ANNOUNCEMENT The Social and Medical Assistance Directorate is organizing a recruitment competition to fill vacant contractual execution positions, of senior medical assistant (S) – two positions and medical statistician – one position, at the Medical Offices Service

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Visit to the communities of Pata-Rât
Rezultatul final al examenului de ocupare a funcţiei contractuale de execuţie vacante de referent grad profesional IA la Serviciul Resurse Umane Salarizare din cadrul Direcţiei de Asistenţă Socială şi Medicală, serviciu public din subordinea Consiliului Local al municipiului Cluj-Napoca, din data de 10.03.2017

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The result of the interview on 10.03.2017

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The result of the practical test at the exam for the occupation of the vacant contract execution position of IA professional grade referent at the Payroll Human Resources Service within the Social and Medical Assistance Directorate, dated 10.03.2017

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"March 8 for the invisible women of Cluj" 2017

PRESS RELEASE The Cluj Napoca Department of Social and Medical Assistance in collaboration with the Association "Life Education for All" and the Association "Missionaries of Padre Pio" will organize on March 4th the second edition of the humanitarian event "March 8 for the invisible women of Cluj". The event will be attended by talented children from the group [...]

The Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance (DASM), a public service subordinated to the Local Council of Cluj-Napoca, is organizing a recruitment competition for an indefinite period, for the filling of a vacant position related to the contract execution function of referent, IA professional degree at the Human Resources Service, pay


The Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance (DASM), a public service subordinated to the Local Council of the Cluj-Napoca municipality, is organizing a recruitment competition for an indefinite period, for the occupation of 5 (five) positions, vacant executive positions at the Elderly Assistance Service

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Rezultatul final al examenului de ocupare a funcţiei contractuale de execuţie vacante de inspector de specialitate IA la Serviciul Resurse Umane Salarizare din cadrul Direcţiei de Asistenţă Socială şi Medicală, serviciu public din subordinea Consiliului Local al municipiului Cluj-Napoca din data de 06.02.2017
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