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Redistribute packages announcement Mass-media office Email: Press release (January 15, 2016) Ref: Redistribution of food packages through the Cluj-Napoca City Hall program - second stage Starting from Monday, January 18, 2016, City Hall Cluj-Napoca will start the redistribution of food packages through the program initiated by mayor Emil Boc. This project is additional to the one from European funds and […]

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Christmas notice 2015
  Dear Sir/Madam On the initiative of Mayor Emil Boc, the local council approved this year the special program "Food for people with low incomes from the municipality of Cluj-Napoca", a program that takes place in two stages. Thus, between December 7 and 31, 2015, within the second stage of the program, we invite you to [...]
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Day Center for Seniors no. 2
Despre Centrul multifuncțional de servicii sociale integrate pentru persoane vârstnice nr. 2 de pe str. Decebal nr.21, finanțat prin programul operațional regional 2007-2013, Axa prioritară 1, face parte din programul de proiecte propuse și aptobate prin Planul Integrat de Dezvoltare și contribuie la combaterea fenomenului de excluziune socială a persoanelor vârstnice prin facilitarea accesului la [...]
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Day Center for Seniors no. 1
About The problems specific to the elderly represent points of major interest for today's society, considering the increasingly accentuated aging phenomenon in recent years. If we had to make a list of the problems faced by the elderly from Cluj, we could mention those identified during the 17 years of activity [...]
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