Latest Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENT The Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance, a public service subordinated to the Local Council of the municipality of Cluj-Napoca, organizes a recruitment competition to fill the following temporarily vacant executive positions in the staff of the Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance:

ANNOUNCEMENT The Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance, a public service subordinated to the Local Council of Cluj-Napoca, is organizing a recruitment competition to fill the following temporarily vacant executive positions in the staff of the Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance: Inspector, class I, main professional degree at the Protection Service [...]

ANNOUNCEMENT Families whose monthly income per family member is up to twice the level of the minimum guaranteed income for a single person (respectively 284 lei/person) and who have children enrolled in kindergarten can benefit from an educational incentive, according to Law no. 248/2016 on stimulating the participation in preschool education of children from disadvantaged families.
ANNOUNCEMENT Families whose monthly income per family member is up to twice the level of the minimum guaranteed income for a single person (respectively 284 lei/person) and who have children enrolled in kindergarten can benefit from an educational incentive, according to Law no. 248/2016 on stimulating the participation in preschool education of children from families [...]
The result of the interview on 08.09.2016 of the competition to fill the vacant executive positions of psychologist and social worker at the Elderly Assistance Service within the Department of Social and Medical Assistance, a public service subordinated to the Local Council of Cluj-Napoca.
The results of the written test dated 06.09.2016 of the competition for the occupation of contractual positions of: main level medical assistant post-secondary studies (two positions), medical assistant post-secondary studies (two positions) and novice medical assistant post-secondary studies (two positions), at Medical Office Service within the Social and Medical Assistance Directorate

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The results of the written test at the competition for the occupation of the vacant contract execution positions of psychologist and social worker, at the Service for the Assistance of Elderly Persons within the Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance, from 05.09.2016

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THE RESULT OF THE FILE SELECTION TEST for the contest organized on 06.09.2016.

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ANNOUNCEMENT The Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance (DASM), a public service subordinated to the Local Council of Cluj-Napoca, is organizing a recruitment competition for an indefinite period, for the occupation of 7 (seven) positions, vacant executive positions at the Personal Assistance Service old
ANNOUNCEMENT The Directorate of Social and Medical Assistance is organizing a recruitment competition to fill some positions, vacant contractual functions, of general medicine specialist and general medicine doctor, at the Medical Cabinet Service
THE RESULT OF THE SELECTION STAGE OF FILES for the contest of 05.09.2016
The result of the selection of files registered in view of the competition organized for the occupation for an indefinite period of two vacant executive contract positions, a doctor specializing in geriatrics and a medical assistant, at the Elderly Assistance Service, organized on 05.09.2016

Due to the fact that no files were submitted, the contest will be reorganized. Competition committee: President: Donca Valer – primary physician geriatrics and internal medicine, Cluj-Napoca Municipal Clinical Hospital Members: Neamțu Marioara – primary physician, Director Budgetary Center for Nursery Administration Cluj – Napoca Moldovan Kristina – specialist physician, Cabinet Service […]

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